Georgetown Community Partnership
The Georgetown Community Partnership (GCP) is the forum created as part of Georgetown University’s 2010 Campus Plan and reaffirmed in its 2017 Campus Plan to facilitate discussion, information sharing, and consensus-based decision making to support a high quality of life in our community and the university’s long term planning. In 2012, Georgetown University committed to a 5-year campus plan through 2017 and to engage in a comprehensive master planning process to develop the next plan. Through the GCP, the university has continued to engage community and city leaders in master planning and neighborhood quality of life initiatives. In 2016 the GCP developed a new 20-year campus plan that was unanimously adopted by the DC Zoning Commission.
Steering Committee
The GCP is led by a Steering Committee composed of representatives from ANC2E, ANC3D, the Citizens Association of Georgetown, the Burleith Citizens Association, the Foxhall Village Citizens Association, Georgetown University, and the Georgetown University Student Association. A representative from Medstar Georgetown University Hospital is an ex-officio member of the Steering Committee.
The Steering Committee meets quarterly and provides guidance to 5 working groups. The Steering Committee works on issues related to the University’s master planning, including issues related to undergraduate housing, neighborhood conditions, and future growth.
Working Groups
The Steering Committee created 5 working groups that meet monthly and address shared goals for neighborhood quality of life and university master planning. Each working group has a University and a community co-chair, (and in one case a student co-chair) and other working group members include university administrators, staff, faculty, students, neighbors, consultants, and government officials. On occasion, a working group will create an ad-hoc subgroup to address a specific issue, including off-campus orientation, transient noise, and communications regarding transportation and parking information. The 5 working groups are:
Master Planning
The Master Planning Working Group includes members of the GCP Steering Committee and representatives from Medstar Georgetown University Hospital to discuss plans for the future of the hospital and the university’s master planning process.
Safety and Student Life
The Safety and Student Life Working Group addresses neighborhood quality of life issues, student safety in the community, and on-campus student life.
Current activities of the Safety and Student Life Working Group include:
- Working to identify creative solutions for transient noise in the neighborhood
- Discussing approach and response to daytime incidents in the neighborhood
- Sharing aggregate data with neighborhood leaders on university response to neighborhood calls
- Reviewing data from the Office of Neighborhood Life on summaries of contacts, incidents and outcomes, including the number of contacts received by Georgetown University from numerous sources, how they were reported, the reasons for the contacts, the neighborhood of origin, how incidents are referred to the Office of Student Conduct, and the disposition of the cases.
Academic Year 2023-2024 data
Fall 2023 data
Spring 2024 data
Academic Year 2023-2024 data
Academic Year 2022-2023 data
Fall 2022 data
Spring 2023 data
Academic Year 2022-2023 data
Academic Year 2021-2022 data
Fall 2021 data
Spring 2022 data
Academic Year 2021-2022 data
Academic Year 2020-2021 data
Fall 2020 data
Spring 2021 data
Academic Year 2020-2021 data
Academic Year 2019-2020 data
Fall 2019 data
Spring 2020 data
Academic Year 2019-2020 data
Academic Year 2018-2019 data
Fall 2018 data
Spring 2019 data
Academic Year 2018-2019 data
Academic Year 2017-2018 data
Fall 2017 data
Spring 2018 data
Academic Year 2017-2018 data
Academic Year 2016-2017 data
Fall 2016 data
Spring 2017 data
Academic Year 2016-2017 data
Academic Year 2015-2016 data
Fall 2015 data
Spring 2016 data
Academic Year 2015-2016 data
Academic Year 2014-2015 data
Fall 2014 data
Spring 2015 data
Academic Year 2014-2015 data
Academic Year 2013-2014 data
Fall 2013 data
Spring 2014 data
Academic Year 2013-2014 data
Past activities of the working group include:
- Supported the creation of the Office of Neighborhood Life to maintain quality of life for all residents
- Recommended a 100% response policy for calls to the university’s 24/7 Helpline and reviewed efforts to increase visibility and awareness of the University Helpline
- Updated and improved orientation for students living off-campus and the Hoya Living Guide, a resource guide for students living off campus
- Recommended enhancements to on-campus social life, including open-container policies in certain areas of campus, late night food service, and removing barriers for students to access campus space
Environment and Landlord Initiatives
The Environment and Landlords Initiatives Working Group addresses issues of home safety, property maintenance, trash management, and landlord accountability in the neighborhoods.
Current activities of the Environment and Landlord Initiatives Working Group include:
- Monitoring trash removal programs in West Georgetown and Burleith
- Working with rental property owners and DCRA to ensure property owners comply with basic business license (BBL) requirements and that off-campus student rental properties are safe
- Reviews data from the Office of Neighborhood Life regarding the on-going Trash and Property Maintenance Monitoring Program run by the University.
Academic Year 2023-2024 data
Fall 2023 data
Spring 2024 data
Academic Year 2023-2024 data
Academic Year 2022-2023 data
Fall 2022 data
Spring 2023 data
Academic Year 2022-2023 data
Academic Year 2021-2022 data
Fall 2021 data
Spring 2022 data
Academic Year 2021-2022 data
Academic Year 2020-2021 data
Fall 2020 data
Spring 2021 data
Academic Year 2020-2021 data
Academic Year 2019-2020 data
Fall 2019 data
Spring 2020 data
Academic Year 2019-2020 data
Academic Year 2018-2019 data
Fall 2018 data
Spring 2019 data
Academic Year 2018-2019 data
Academic Year 2017-2018 data
Fall 2017 data
Spring 2018 data
Academic Year 2017-2018 data
Past activities of the working group include:
- Supported the creation of the Georgetown Student Tenant Association
- Educated students about proper trash removal and property maintenance through orientation
- Recommended Office of Neighborhood Life increase staff capacity to assist students with finding off-campus rental properties and provide resources to assist with landlord issues and property maintenance
Transportation and Parking
The Transportation and Parking Working Group addresses issues related to travel to, from and around the University’s campus, and mitigating the impacts of University and Hospital-related traffic on the community.
Current activities of the Transportation and Parking Working Group include:
- Reviewing plans for GUTS bus turnaround on campus and flow of construction vehicles on and off campus
- Reviewing annual commuter surveys for the university and Medstar Georgetown University Hospital
- Discussing Transportation Demand Management comprehensive plan conducted by Wells and Associates, the transportation consultant for Georgetown University and Medstar Georgetown University Hospital
Past activities of the working group include:
- Reviewed the joint Georgetown University and MedStar Georgetown University Hospital Transportation Performance Monitoring Report
- Reviewed the university’s annual commuter survey (please note: starting in 2017 the survey was incorporated into the university’s Transportation Performance Monitoring Report, see above). Download the survey reports from previous years:
2016 commuting survey report
2015 commuting survey report
2014 commuting survey report
2013 commuting survey report - Consulted on the design and issues related to changes around the Reservoir Road hospital entrance and approached DDOT for the delay of the installation of a dedicated left turn lane for westbound traveling vehicles on Reservoir Road into Entrance 1
- Advocated for implementation of mobile app for GUTS bus service
- Provided comments to DDOT for its Canal Road study
Data and Metrics
The Data and Metrics Working Group reviews university data for enrollment and off-campus incidents each semester.
Current activities of the Data and Metrics Working Group include:
Every year, the university is required to submit a compliance report to the Zoning Commission that reviews the university’s compliance with the conditions of the current Campus Plan. The consensus compliance reports from previous years are below:
Past activities of the working group include:
- Launched two neighborhood quality of life surveys
- Reviewed bi-annual enrollment and housing reports
For more information about the Georgetown Community Partnership, please email the Office of Community Engagement at